From my upcoming book, Aylun - Megan, Aylun and Rillen discover the ruins of the hidden city

Welcome to the World of David Scidmore

Hello. Welcome to my world. You can discover it in the pages of Dellia and my upcoming book, Aylun. I have strived to paint it in shades from pastoral greens with bright flower-strewn meadows to dark cavernous places and even an occasional field red with blood. Come along with me for a while. I can’t promise you it will always be a pleasant trip, but it is my sincerest hope to spark your imagination and keep you entertained.

If you have already lingered for a while in my world, then I thank you for exploring it. I am grateful that you would entrust your time to me. Truth be told, things do not move so fast here that I am able to conjure interesting news on a regular basis. However, if you visit here now and again, you may find new information that interests to you. Thank you and please return whenever the mood strikes you.

Aylun Arrives

It has been a long road, but the second book in the Ever-Branching Tree series is now available in most places where books are sold. You can find it on:, Barnes & Noble,, Apple Books, and Google Books.

Further Delays for Aylun

I have encountered further delays in editing and publishing, which have caused me to push the publication date to October 23, 2023. Since release activities are being planned around that date, and I have early copies in my hands, I feel confident announcing this as a firm date. I am sorry for the delay.

Aylun Delayed

I am sorry to have to announce that problems at the editor have resulted in a delay in editing my upcoming book. My deepest apologies to those looking forward to having it in their hands soon. However, with most of the work completed, I am now comfortable announcing a release date. I hope to make Aylun available on August 31, 2023.

Progress On Aylun

The journey that began in Dellia continues in my upcoming book, Aylun. I have strived to present events exactly as they transpired. But to do so, I had to return to the beginning and describe what happened to Megan when fate separated her from Jon. Her story is very much at the heart of what happens next to all who appear in Dellia. The next book is called Aylun, and the image at the top is a moment from its pages. It is now in editing, but it is a book, and I do not wish to cut corners in bringing it to you. As a result, I’m afraid it won’t be available until the spring of 2023.